
DEZA, a.s. is considered one of the major employers in the Zlin region when measured by the number of employees. All of our employees enjoy competitive benefit packages. If interested in a career with DEZA please refer to the Employee Benefits section. Graduates with technical and economic degrees are also welcome to join our team where they will be able to find exciting career opportunities.

Job vacancies

Interested in joining our team? Impress us with your CV!  We look forward to hearing from all candidates! 

Email your CV to:

Interview Process and Timeline

Potential candidates undergo two rounds of interviews. The first round is held after a deadline period for submitting a job application. Initially, the candidates' skill set is evaluated based on their submitted resumes.

The candidates advancing into the second round are then invited to an in-person job interview with  department managers and HR personnel.

Upon the conclusion of the interview process all candidates are notified of the results in writing by HR within 14 days. 

Employee benefits

Enjoy annual vacation of up to six weeks
Wages are adjusted annually
We offer Cafeteria-style benefits system
All employees receive profit-sharing bonus on quarterly basis
Discounted telephone and internet rates are available
We value employees who are willing to help and care for others; therefore blood donors are compensated
Pension contribution
We offer meal allowance in our cafeteria
We also offer above standard health maintenance and prevention programs

Cooperation with schools

Are you interested in an internship with DEZA? Positions in Technology, Laboratory and Administration are available. Conditions and details can be discussed with HR personnel.

Plant tour
Schools and colleges are welcome to visit our production plant to enrich their students' learning experience. Come and take part in our selected plant tours in DEZA, a. s. The tours are intended mainly for secondary schools and colleges that offer degrees in chemistry.

To ensure a qualified tour guide is available please send your requests with a desired date of the tour well in advance.


Other forms of cooperation
We also offer individual cooperation with students who work on various projects such as bachelor's and diploma thesis, semester projects and others.

Contact us.